About Us

Our History

In November 11,2016, a group of Christians led by the Holy Spirit felt the need for a worshiping community. This spiritual movement turned a small church that was known as Immitateurs de Jesus Christ.

The church experienced an explosion that took the organization from a home,to rented  space from a other churches on at 531 Plaza Drive,Smyrna,Georgia,then to 2364 Powder Springs Road,Marietta,Georgia,30064.

Philadelphia evangelical church of God is a Pentecostal church. The doctrine and main beliefs follow traditional Pentecostal understanding.

Yet, there in not any clear connection between this organization and the Azusa Street movement. The leaders might not embrace this connection for many reasons. Although the movement is experiencing growth, is it young comparing to the more stable and long-standing other denominations, like the Methodist, Nazarene, Baptist, Lutheran…. etc. For a tradition to be valid specially in doctrine, there must be a longer tradition for it.

Therefore, the Azusa Street revivals are never mentioned in the history of this organization, but it is the Pentecost that plays a central role in it. Even though ,the Pentecostal movement reached Haiti at about the same period when the Azusa Street Revival was gaining ground and looked to expand in mission work throughout the world to establishment of Pentecostal churches on the Island would coincided with this movement .

“PHILADELPHIA EVANGELICAL CHURCH ” is independent with Pentecostal tendencies. It is not affiliated with any other organization.





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If you would like to have experience worshipping God, please visit us.

Declaration of faith


We believe that the Bible is the Word of God. We believe that it is inerrant and inspired by God. It is complete in the 66 books it contains from Genesis to Revelation.

God the Father

We believe that God is the creator of all things both visible and invisible. He is sovereign, almighty, eternal, and that he reveals himself through the scriptures.


We believe that Jesus is the Son of God. We believe that he is eternal, equal with God the Father in essence, and lived a perfect and sinless life. His essential purpose for coming to the earth was to be a perfect sacrifice to bear the penalty of all mankind’s sin.


We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the trinity and is equal, in essence, to the Father and the Son. His work is to reprove the world of sin, convince them of judgment to come, to empower believers, and to remind them of the word of God.


We believe that salvation is offered by God’s grace and received by faith in Christ alone. No work of man is sufficient enough to purchase it, but it is given freely to those that believe through the perfect work of Christ’s sacrifice. We believe that there is a definite moment when the soul is converted or born again, and that the soul once converted will walk in newness of life.


We believe that Jesus is coming a second time to resurrect the sainted dead and to rapture away all living believers at a time appointed by the Father. We believe that this second coming will precede the great tribulation and all believers living and dead will meet at the time in the air.